High Court Of Gujarat Recruitment for 17 Legal Assistants Posts 2017
High Court Of Gujarat Recruitment for 17 Legal Assistants Posts 2017
High Court Of Gujarat has published an Advertisement for below mentioned Post 2017. Other details like age limit,educational qualification,selection process,application fee and how to apply are given below.
High Court Of Gujarat has published an Advertisement for below mentioned Post 2017. Other details like age limit,educational qualification,selection process,application fee and how to apply are given below.
Post : Legal Assistants
Total No of Post : 17
Educational Qualifications :
Degree in Law from any University in India or any Institution recognized
by the University Grants Commission.
Candidates studying in the Fifth Year of a Five Year Law Course, can
also apply for the said Post, and their final selection would be subject to
their passing of the Fifth Year examination of LL.B., prior to their
Degree in Law from any University in India or any Institution recognized
by the University Grants Commission.
Candidates studying in the Fifth Year of a Five Year Law Course, can
also apply for the said Post, and their final selection would be subject to
their passing of the Fifth Year examination of LL.B., prior to their
Age-limit :-
ACandidate for Appointment to the said Post, shall not be less than 18
i.e. on 30/03/2017, i.e. Candidates born between 30/03/1982 &
30/03/1999, shall be eligible to apply.
30/03/1999, shall be eligible to apply.
Basic Knowledge of Computer Application / Operation.
Acquaintance of vernacular Language :
The job of a Legal Assistant would require the candidate concerned, to
carry out extensive research work and preparing notes, forming opinions,
comments, etc., on legal issues, by interpreting the vernacular Gujarati
Language, which would therefore, require acquaintance of the said
vernacular Language.
The job of a Legal Assistant would require the candidate concerned, to
carry out extensive research work and preparing notes, forming opinions,
comments, etc., on legal issues, by interpreting the vernacular Gujarati
Language, which would therefore, require acquaintance of the said
vernacular Language.
Starting Date : 01-04-2017
Last Date : 15-04-2017
Last Date : 15-04-2017