The Mehsana Urban Co-op Bank Ltd. has published Advertisement for below mentioned Posts 2017.
Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee and how to apply are given below.
Posts :
No of post
General Manager
45 to 55 Yrs.
Asstt.General Manager
40 to 50 Yrs.
H R D Manager
Below 45 Yrs.
Law Manager
Below 45 Yrs.
Manager Taxation / Advances
Below 45 Yrs.
P.A. to C.E.O
Below 40 Yrs.
Below 35 Yrs.
Total No. of Posts : 12 Posts
Educational Qualification :
General Manager
Chartered Accountant / MBA ( Finance ) from reputed institute / Master degree in commerce or science with 5 years experience of scheduled bank in higher post like AGM or DGM. CAIIB preferably. Experience in co-op. scheduled bank preferably. OR Master degree in commerce or science or engineering with 10 years experience of scheduled bank as Manager with at list 5 years experience as AGM or DGM.
Asstt. General Manager
Chartered Accountant / MBA ( Finance ) from reputed institute with 5 years experience of scheduled bank as a Manager. OR Graduate in commerce or science or engineering with 10 years experience of as a Manager in scheduled bank or scheduled co-op. bank. CAIIB and Master degree preferably
HRD Manager
MBA ( HRD ) from reputed institute with 5 years experience of scheduled bank or scheduled co-op. bank. Specially worked in HR area.
LAW Manager
LLM with 3 years experience of scheduled bank or scheduled co-op. bank as a legal Manager or Officer
Manager (Taxation, Advances)
Chartered Accountant having experience of loan processing, project finance or taxation. Scheduled bank or scheduled co-op. bank experience preferably.
P.A. to C.E.O
Graduate having experience as P.A. to CEO of big institute /company or scheduled bank or scheduled co-op. bank. Preferably knowledge of short hand in English & Gujarati. And fluency in English , Gujarati & Hindi language.
Graduate 5 years experience as receptionist in reputed Hotel, big institute /company. fluency in English , Gujarati & Hindi and having knowledge of computer operating system.
Salary : As per bank’s industry norms. For deserving candidate higher salary may be considered
Selection Process : Candidates will be selected based on an interview.
How to Apply : Interested Candidates may Apply Online Through official Website.
Other Terms & Condition :
1) Probation period 1 year.
2) Service rules of The Mehsana Urban Co-op. Bank Ltd will be applicable for all the above post.
3) Experience & copy of education certificate to be attach with application.
4) Influence to Board member & CEO will be disqualified.
5) Copy of Pay slip of exiting salary to be attach with the application along with expected salary.
For above post candidates willing to apply may send their application on-line before 01-03-2017. Followed by hard copy of application, 2 photographs & all testimonials.
Address : The Mehsana Urban Co-op Bank Ltd. (Multi- State Scheduled Bank), Corporate Building , Highway, Mehsana : 384002.
Advertisement : Click herr
Apply Online : Click here
Important Dates :
Last Date to Apply Online : 01-03-2017
Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee and how to apply are given below.
Posts :
No of post
General Manager
45 to 55 Yrs.
Asstt.General Manager
40 to 50 Yrs.
H R D Manager
Below 45 Yrs.
Law Manager
Below 45 Yrs.
Manager Taxation / Advances
Below 45 Yrs.
P.A. to C.E.O
Below 40 Yrs.
Below 35 Yrs.
Total No. of Posts : 12 Posts
Educational Qualification :
General Manager
Chartered Accountant / MBA ( Finance ) from reputed institute / Master degree in commerce or science with 5 years experience of scheduled bank in higher post like AGM or DGM. CAIIB preferably. Experience in co-op. scheduled bank preferably. OR Master degree in commerce or science or engineering with 10 years experience of scheduled bank as Manager with at list 5 years experience as AGM or DGM.
Asstt. General Manager
Chartered Accountant / MBA ( Finance ) from reputed institute with 5 years experience of scheduled bank as a Manager. OR Graduate in commerce or science or engineering with 10 years experience of as a Manager in scheduled bank or scheduled co-op. bank. CAIIB and Master degree preferably
HRD Manager
MBA ( HRD ) from reputed institute with 5 years experience of scheduled bank or scheduled co-op. bank. Specially worked in HR area.
LAW Manager
LLM with 3 years experience of scheduled bank or scheduled co-op. bank as a legal Manager or Officer
Manager (Taxation, Advances)
Chartered Accountant having experience of loan processing, project finance or taxation. Scheduled bank or scheduled co-op. bank experience preferably.
P.A. to C.E.O
Graduate having experience as P.A. to CEO of big institute /company or scheduled bank or scheduled co-op. bank. Preferably knowledge of short hand in English & Gujarati. And fluency in English , Gujarati & Hindi language.
Graduate 5 years experience as receptionist in reputed Hotel, big institute /company. fluency in English , Gujarati & Hindi and having knowledge of computer operating system.
Salary : As per bank’s industry norms. For deserving candidate higher salary may be considered
Selection Process : Candidates will be selected based on an interview.
How to Apply : Interested Candidates may Apply Online Through official Website.
Other Terms & Condition :
1) Probation period 1 year.
2) Service rules of The Mehsana Urban Co-op. Bank Ltd will be applicable for all the above post.
3) Experience & copy of education certificate to be attach with application.
4) Influence to Board member & CEO will be disqualified.
5) Copy of Pay slip of exiting salary to be attach with the application along with expected salary.
For above post candidates willing to apply may send their application on-line before 01-03-2017. Followed by hard copy of application, 2 photographs & all testimonials.
Address : The Mehsana Urban Co-op Bank Ltd. (Multi- State Scheduled Bank), Corporate Building , Highway, Mehsana : 384002.
Advertisement : Click herr
Apply Online : Click here
Important Dates :
Last Date to Apply Online : 01-03-2017