GSSSB Revenue Talati Computer Proficiency Test Exam date and Other details :
Post : Revenue Talati
Post : Revenue Talati
Notification : Click Here
Detailed syllabus for Computer proficiency Test (Part 2)
- Gujarati Typing test: 20 Marks
- English Typing test: 20 Marks
- Presentation test: 15 Marks
- Excel spreadsheet test: 15 Marks
- Word document test: 15 Marks
- Email test: 15 Marks
- Total marks: 100
- Time: 01 Hour 30 Minutes
- Minimum required marks: 40%
- Language for above said test will be English (Except Gujarati Typing test).
- Available Key board for Gujarati language test:
- Gujarati Transliteration
- Gujarati Typewriter
- Gujarati Typewriter (G)
- Gujarati Inscript
- Gujarati Indica
- &nbnbsp;RemigntanIndica
- Special Characters.
- Gujarati Terafont