Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) has published result of Nayab Mamlatdar / Deputy Section Officer (Class - 3) Posts. The following 3367candidates are declared provisionally qualified in the Preliminary Examinationconducted by the Gujarat Public Service Commission on 21.06.2015 for the post ofDeputy Section Officer/ Deputy Mamlatdar (Advt. No. 51/2014-15) Thus Theprovisionally qualified candidates are declared eligible for appearing in the MainWritten Examination, subject to their fulfilling all conditions of eligibility of Advt. No.51/2014-15, necessary physical verification of OMR Answer Sheets including use ofwhitener and also the correctness of the information furnished by the candidates intheir applications.
Advt. No. 51/2014-15
GPSC Dy. Mamlatdar / Dy. S.O. Result : Click Here
Preliminary Test Marks : Link 1 | Link 2
Exam held on: 21-06-2015
Probable date for main exam: 28 and 29 May, 2016 at Ahmedabad Center.
In accordance with the rules of the examination, all these candidates have toapply again for admission to the main examination in the detailed applicationform, as per the instruction of the commission.
2. Details of Category wise marks obtained by the last qualified candidate andCategory wise total candidate are shown below:
01 | GENERAL | MALE | 870 | 56 |
02 | GENERAL | FEMALE | 380 | 48 |
03 | S. E. B. C. | MALE | 1071 | 56 |
04 | S. E. B. C. | FEMALE | 307 | 48 |
05 | S. C. | MALE | 267 | 56 |
06 | S. C. | FEMALE | 123 | 48 |
07 | S. T. | MALE | 241 | 46 |
08 | S. T. | FEMALE | 108 | 40 |
09 | DISABLE | (22) | 42 | |
10 | EX SERVICEMAN | (01) | 53 | |
TOTAL:3367 |
Advt. No. 51/2014-15
GPSC Dy. Mamlatdar / Dy. S.O. Result : Click Here
Preliminary Test Marks : Link 1 | Link 2
Exam held on: 21-06-2015
Probable date for main exam: 28 and 29 May, 2016 at Ahmedabad Center.