Knowledge that matters!!

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Allahabad Bank has released the list of required documents to be submitted by IBPS Clerks V selected candidates.

Allahabad Bank has released the list of required documents to be submitted by IBPS Clerks V selected candidates. The candidates have to submit self attested photocopies of the following documents by 26th April 2016 by Speed Post to the Head Office of Allahabad Bank. 
  1. Name
  2. IBPS Roll No.
  3. Call letter of On-line examination (CWE-V)-Preliminary examination
  4. Call letter of On-line examination (CWE-V)-Main examination
  5. KYC formalities. (PAN card/ Aadhar card/ Driver’s License, Passport etc)
  6. Printout of On-line application
  7. Xth std. mark sheet & certificate.
  8. XIIth std. mark sheet & certificate.
  9. Year wise/ semester wise mark sheet of Graduation
  10. Consolidated mark sheet of Graduation
  11. Graduation Certificate.
  12. Computer literacy certificate.
  13. OBC certificate in Central Govt. format signed by the Competent Authority, date of issuance should be within one year prior to the date of interview as per notification of IBPS.
  14. In case of candidate belonging to SC/ ST community certificate to be produced in Central Govt. format as per notification of IBPS
  15. Papers/Documents showing date of relieving in case of Ex-servicemen. (should be released on or before 31/08/2016)
  16. In case of PWD candidates, the certificate should be issued by the Medical Board constituted by the Central / State Govt. 
Notice Released by the Allahabad Bank : Click Here

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