Punjab Gramin Bank has declared the Interview result for the Officer Junior Scale 1 & Office Assistants.Theinterview for the post of Officer Junior Management Scale was held on 02.11.2015 . The interview for the post of Office Assistants was held from 03.11.2015 to 04.11.2015.
- For Results - for the post of Interviews held on 02.11.2015 for the post of Officer Junior Management Scale-I, Click here
- For Results - for the post of Interviews held from 03.11.2015 to 04.11.2015 for direct recruitment of OfficeAssistants (Multipurpose), Click here
- Waitlisted Candidates- Office Assistants (Multipurpose) Interviews held from 03.11.2015 TO 04.11.2015,Click here